Erring – Page 7 – Everything


Error is boundless.
Nor hope nor doubt,
Though both be groundless,
Will average out.

Nov 252019

People will swallow just about any story. Only when it’s not a story do we refuse to swallow it.

Nov 112019

Problems without solutions do less harm than solutions without problems.

Oct 162019

I am working toward a world in which someday someone will be so wrong, so often, that he will just stop talking.

Aug 282019

When the benighted differ with me, it is only natural, for they are benighted. When they do not, it only strengthens my case, for even the benighted agree with me.

Aug 272019

You’re almost certainly completely wrong, so cheer up.

Jul 252019

Many of the disorders of the psychology textbooks are quite useful in moderation, and not a few are outright virtues.

Jun 212019

A lot of people who don’t believe in God believe in Santa Claus.

Jun 052019

The great political divide is not between left and right, populist and elitist, or authoritarian and libertarian. It is between people who are consumed by politics and people who are sane.

May 282019

The in-group and out-group are praised and blamed by the same people for exactly the same policies, and the bulk of American political commentary consists of party flacks pointing this out about the flacks of the other party.