Ruling – Page 25 – Everything


In ’37 Stalin made a hash
Of party loyalists and army brass.
Decimation: One in ten are shot.
What’s the word when one in ten are not?

Mar 092018

It is almost no time at all between not being permitted to dissent and not being permitted to abstain.

Feb 272018

Professing communism never saved a kulak, and professing Nazism never saved a Jew. Only the religious fanatics are that sporting.

Feb 062018

At the beginning you go to the gulag for criticizing Stalin; toward the end for being first, when his name is mentioned, to stop applauding.

Jan 222018

A government not of men but of laws — written by men, interpreted by men, and enforced by men.

Dec 182017

The consolation prize for being out of power is unswerving commitment to timeless civic principles.

Nov 162017

There is no freedom to speak without the freedom to be silent.