Self-Loving – Page 3 – Everything


We all come into this world with our little egos equipped with individual horns. If we don’t blow them, who will?

Mar 162021

Everyone is secretly pleased to be charged with elitism, and when the charge is denied it is with the aim of confirming its justice.

Mar 042021

Some men feed on opprobrium: the scorn of the crowd assures them of their own unbending integrity.

Feb 172021

Everyone cares less for the lives of millions of strangers than the life of his own dog; the modern derangement is to feel guilty about it.

Oct 202020

An abrasive personality may profit a thinker; it certifies for his followers that they care for the ideas and nothing else.

Oct 092020

It’s so weird that there are people who do not have my exact tastes and interests.

Sep 282020

Thought-criminals, like regular ones, would escape punishment more often if they could manage not to boast of their exploits.

Sep 172020

To imagine oneself rejected on the basis of race, sex, or creed must be a great comfort, pushing away, as it does, the idea of more personal rejection.