Everything – Page 57 – A book of aphorisms
Nov 092021

Our thoughts run in loops, which we can hope only to make as long and deeply nested as possible.

Nov 052021

We are apt to imagine software as scaling indefinitely, which it does not, because we think of it as a form of writing, which does.

Nov 042021

An idea traces its influence not from its origin, which is lost in time, but from the point when it becomes inescapable.

Nov 032021

Modern Westerners are, by historical standards, awash with leisure, much of which we use to complain about working all the time.

Nov 022021

The power of a word lies in what it suggests, not what it means.

Oct 292021

The fundamental human need, once the physical have been met, is to look good.

Oct 282021

The more a man doubts what he ought to believe, the more he believes what he ought to doubt.