Apr 292014

Every nuisance that you could fix but tolerate instead represents a small, private, but unmistakable regression to savagery.

  3 Responses to “”

  1. I am beginning to take pleasure in these slaps and I’m also wondering how much credit I can take for any subsequent improvements to my character. This one has me making a list. Thankfully, I am not yet tired of thanking you. Perhaps you need a way to get progress reports from your readers, though I imagine you might greet that prospect with some horror?

  2. This lesson I owe mostly to programming, in which nuisances manifest as tedium. If you are doing anything tedious it is because you are too lazy to write a tool to do the job for you.

    I could scarcely be horrified that anyone has profited from my writing; quite the contrary.

  3. I now see my mistake about your interest in your effect on your readers: I was letting my vision be clouded by the curmudgeonly scoffing at the other supposed adults in the room, whereas I should have been seeing the honorable and hardworking idealist, and none such can be indifferent to the effects of their toil. My bad rendering your good invisible. Temporarily, thank god. At least I had the wits to make it a question.

    Interesting that your insight came from an aspect of your experience with programming. Programming was a bottomless abyss of tedium and despair for me, I was simply doing the wrong thing for money, and the anodyne armor necessary for daily coping made remedy seem an impossible fantasy. I would say, in my now more godlike approaching dotage, that I rarely, if ever, accept laziness or boredom as explanations for anything in behavior, they are just pain-managing rationalizations, camouflaging something much more difficult to own.

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