Getting – Everything


You never find people endeavoring to convince you that you may live very happily upon a plentiful fortune.

Dec 042023

Every city, regardless of its provisions for the poor, has always featured importunate public begging.

Sep 212023

In any reference to “X-figures”, the first figure is 1.*

*If it is “mid X-figures”, the first figure is 2. If it is “high X-figures”, the first figure is 5.

Aug 312023

“I’m not concerned about short-term fluctuations”: I have lost some money
“I’m in this for the long haul”: I am determined to lose a lot of money

Jan 312023

The royal road to wealth is not to make money but to capture it.

Dec 212022

Many things work on a small scale and fail on a large one; crime is exactly the opposite.

Nov 152022

To lie, cheat, and steal may be optimally adaptive, provided one maintains a reputation for never lying, cheating, or stealing.

Oct 212022

To want your name known is innocuous, even healthy. To want your face known is when sickness sets in.