Classical Greece was infested with trolls, then called philosophers.
The obscurest epoch is today.
From ironical use to obsolescence is a matter of a moment.
The hard sciences killed God, natural selection buried Him, variance drove a silver stake through His heart, and yet He will not die.
For every empire history offers a hundred explanations for why it fell, when what we need to know is how it lasted.
The right side of history — it is a marvel in its way. Five small words, yet is there a contemporary folly it neglects to embrace?
They’re all counter-revolutions after the first.
Every age has its debilitating prejudice; open-mindedness is ours.
Most of the people who have ever lived have been almost entirely inarticulate, and we know nothing about them.
History is not progress; yet without the idea of progress there can be no history.
Civilization has always existed only in enclaves, and whoever would universalize it is its unwitting enemy.