Erring – Page 13 – Everything


Error is boundless.
Nor hope nor doubt,
Though both be groundless,
Will average out.

Aug 022017

Whatever I’ve believed with passionate intensity has been wrong.

Jul 282017

Not every aversion is a fear, and not every fear is a phobia.

Jul 202017

The likelihood that a new scientific finding is true varies inversely with your desire to talk about it at parties.

Jul 062017

The end of civilization will likely not be preceded by general alarm over civilization’s impending end.

Jun 302017

A belief, we are told, is a thought you keep thinking; in fact you stopped thinking it some time ago, if it was ever a thought at all.

Jun 202017

The less our beliefs have to do with our actions, the more we cherish them.

Jun 122017

We fret too much over the contradictions among our beliefs, in the unlikely event that we notice them at all.

May 312017

It is one short step from explaining everything to defending anything.