To have opinions is a private vice; to air them is a public nuisance.
Jun 072023
Error is boundless.
Nor hope nor doubt,
Though both be groundless,
Will average out.
To have opinions is a private vice; to air them is a public nuisance.
All samples are convenient, and thus no samples are random.
Talk of rights is usually cant; talk of human rights always is.
Genuine truth-seekers make unfashionable errors.
The wish that things were otherwise, if ardent enough, becomes, by degrees, the belief that they are.
No one is consigned to the psychiatrists for participating in a mass delusion, however absurd.
Nonsense demands fluency, of which the lack confers a certain immunity.
People can believe in anything but accidents.
A necessary evil is a contradiction in terms.
We are subject, when we change our mind, to exactly the same errors as when we make it up in the first place.