Lying – Page 10 – Everything


To a quite unwreckable Lie,
To a most impeccable Lie!
To a water-tight, fire-proof, angle-iron, sunk-hinge, time-lock, steel-faced Lie!
Not a private hansom Lie,
But a pair-and-brougham Lie,
Not a little-place-at-Tooting, but a country-house-with-shooting
And a ring-fence-deer-park Lie.

Apr 242017

The Masses, pl. n.   A gigantic, perfectly secret society to which no one has yet admitted belonging.

Apr 112017

Men first lie and cheat for sport, then for trinkets, and finally for great ends, having formed the habit.

Jan 272017

We are told that the enemy is privilege; in fact it is distinction.

Jan 172017

We generally adopt a new opinion by persuading ourselves that we have always held it.

Dec 222016

To imagine oneself facing an unpleasant truth — few sensations are as pleasant.

Nov 252016

That we would have been above the absurd beliefs and barbaric practices of other times — this absurd belief abets our barbaric practices.

Nov 082016

The most exquisite pleasure of a vice is the periodic heartfelt resolution to give it up.

Sep 232016

You never violate your principles: you only discover that they are not what you thought they were.

Aug 022016

Liars love to be lied to: indeed they insist on it.