The weak often want to be thought wicked, but the wicked never want to be thought weak.
To a quite unwreckable Lie,
To a most impeccable Lie!
To a water-tight, fire-proof, angle-iron, sunk-hinge, time-lock, steel-faced Lie!
Not a private hansom Lie,
But a pair-and-brougham Lie,
Not a little-place-at-Tooting, but a country-house-with-shooting
And a ring-fence-deer-park Lie.
The man who undertakes to rid himself of his illusions and biases can end up like an old painting, improperly cleaned.
The fanatic merely acts on his creed. His opposite is the hypocrite, and there is no third alternative.
You call a man a cynic when you can’t call him wrong, and an idealist when you don’t want to.
Whoever despises the means does not desire the end.
The expert liar rarely misstates a fact.
We say we feel old when circumstances have momentarily forced us to stop pretending that we are young.
When we can no longer tell ourselves that we are good, we tell ourselves that we are exceptional.
To regard oneself as the exception is the rule.
A picture lies better than a thousand words.