Reading – Page 10 – Everything


The dead alive and busy.

Aug 192014

The reader will often reject, when it is explained and argued for, what he would swallow if it were stated baldly and unadorned.

Aug 012014

Write in the margin as you would speak to the author.

Apr 282014

We say of indelible characters from life that they could be fictional; and from books, that they could be real.

Apr 172014

In fiction we admire energy, not virtue. We root for the life-force, however it manifests.

Mar 272014

One often hears complaints against morally improving books, as if it were better to be degraded by one’s reading.

Mar 202014

The footnotes are the most important part of corporate annual reports, and the same is often true of non-fiction.

Feb 182014

Misspellers learn from speech, mispronouncers from books.