Thinking – Page 19 – Everything


Operations of thought are like cavalry charges in a battle — they are strictly limited in number, require fresh horses, and must only be made at decisive moments.

Nov 222017

When we wish to follow the man, we find the reasons.

Oct 312017

Primitive irrationality is to refuse to refer actions and sentiments to abstract principle; decadent irrationality is to insist on it.

Oct 242017

Our idea that beliefs, in themselves, can make one virtuous — what is it but grace by faith?

Sep 182017

A class of failed disciplines — psychiatry, education, macroeconomics — unable to raise the mean, lower the variance and declare victory.

Sep 122017

What politicians say about science is as silly as what scientists say about politics.

Aug 142017

Everyone is conservative about what he understands, and ought to be about what he does not.

Aug 072017

Humans have improved modestly in acquiring knowledge but vastly in transmitting it.

Jul 042017

Reasonable, adj.  Good at thinking of reasons.