Seeming – Page 14 – Everything


Religion, art, taste, and other delusions.

Apr 262018

The illusion of wealth comes cheap; the illusion of taste costs a fortune.

Apr 182018

Whether the world is a certain way is one question, and whether one should act as if it is that way is another.

Apr 062018

Good manners consists in asking quiet people why they won’t talk and not asking noisy ones why they won’t shut up.

Mar 132018

Artistic temperament without artistic talent is the last great infectious plague.

Jan 302018

Truth’s not Beauty, but it’s interesting.

Nov 282017

Civilization is not a cure for barbarism; it is a respite from barbarism, to be enjoyed while it lasts.

Nov 092017

Someone who understands politics is about as likely to set up as a pundit as someone who can predict the future is to set up as a psychic.

Oct 122017

To deify the state has a certain logic; for the state is compulsion and coercion, and these, too, are God’s usual means.

Aug 282017

Believing in God is how most people remind themselves that they are not He.