Working – Page 11 – Everything


Business is more agreeable than pleasure; it interests the whole mind more continuously, and more deeply.

May 252018

You can have loyal subordinates, or competent ones.

Apr 112018

Always speak Truth to Power, once you’re sure Power isn’t going to option your novel.

Apr 042018

Journalists, Kraus said, are writers who do not understand their subject — for which their remedy is to read each other assiduously.

Mar 302018

The modern tragedy is that the procedures that revolutionized science happen to be disastrous when applied anywhere else.

Feb 092018

You don’t fight for your country: you fight for your platoon.

Jan 172018

We say that the perfect is the enemy of the good when we mean that the adequate is the enemy of the shoddy.

Jan 032018

No child aspires to become employable when he grows up.

Nov 302017

The danger of writing to a schedule is sloppy, repetitive, inflated work; the danger of not writing to a schedule is no work.

Nov 072017

A successful corporation is a triumph of central planning.