No one is too busy to repeat himself.
Identity, that spectator of what he calls himself,
That net and aggregate of energies in transient combination.
Wanna Bet and Sticks and Stones — the modern adult would do well to recover these timeless principles of the playground.
The dream of escaping oneself can be realized, in part, by escaping other people’s ideas of oneself.
There’s not much point in age without wisdom, or youth without folly.
Every special snowflake may be unique, but how can you tell without a microscope?
The first trick every utterly unreasonable person masters is a calm and reasonable appearance.
If suffering ennobles, does joy degrade?
Tact is the art of being rude.
People with little that they want to do find a lot that they have to do.
Attention begets all virtue, distraction all vice.