Erring – Page 3 – Everything


Error is boundless.
Nor hope nor doubt,
Though both be groundless,
Will average out.

Jul 062022

Public acknowledgement of error is almost entirely for show. It has no point unless you reexamine the habits of thought that produced the error, which is best done in private.

Jun 162022

Of all discourse, only debate binds its participants, by rule and in advance, to a position that they must defend throughout. It is the formal expression of our worst tendencies.

Dec 172021

We complain to the gods that they don’t exist.

Dec 102021

One ought to be exercised about injustice for the bad, but not inordinately.

Oct 072021

We believe only what we can afford, and our stupid or vicious beliefs usually come cheap.

Sep 082021

When there are two opposed opinions, each widely held, the truth generally lies on a large ellipse with those two points as the foci.