We need not search for facts that confirm our opinions: all facts confirm our opinions.
Error is boundless.
Nor hope nor doubt,
Though both be groundless,
Will average out.
Once in a while evil triumphs because good men do nothing, but usually because they meddle in what is none of their damn business.
“Change my mind.” Good Lord, why?
The paean to independence of mind is the infallible sign of the crackpot.
There may be no stupid questions, but my God, the answers!
If one predicts disaster, it is difficult not to be disappointed when it fails to materialize.
There is an especially stubborn class of imbeciles, whose good grades and fluid prose induce them to regard the idea that they could be imbeciles as self-evidently absurd.
It requires moderately high intelligence to be wrong about everything.
A man at philosophy is like a cat up a tree: he can think his way into a lot more trouble than he can think his way out of.
There is a surprising incuriosity about how one’s political opponents, apparently functioning humans, arrive at beliefs that will lead to the destruction of life on earth. Stupid and Evil are the popular theories of mind.