Hallmark and Instagram are just two of the many fortunes to be made by permitting humans to communicate without the inconvenient obligation of articulate speech.
You never find people endeavoring to convince you that you may live very happily upon a plentiful fortune.
Money declares our trust in God, Who has observed our trust in money.
Last to the meeting is most powerful, and apotheosis consists in not showing up at all.
Having money is frequently confused with not having to think about it.
Halving your actual possessions doubles your effective ones.
Men sometimes stumble into vast fortunes, despite manifest incompetence, bad character, and borderline imbecility. Never give up.
Robes always dignify begging — saffron for the Buddhist monk, black for the college president.
You used to have to pay people to wear sandwich boards.
A few bucks: In American parlance, a sum either a great deal more or a great deal less than you wish to represent.
It’s all fun and games until someone gets paid.