Lying – Page 16 – Everything


To a quite unwreckable Lie,
To a most impeccable Lie!
To a water-tight, fire-proof, angle-iron, sunk-hinge, time-lock, steel-faced Lie!
Not a private hansom Lie,
But a pair-and-brougham Lie,
Not a little-place-at-Tooting, but a country-house-with-shooting
And a ring-fence-deer-park Lie.

Jan 312013

It is the truth in the stereotype that is objectionable.

Jan 112013

Your terrible secret is that you have no terrible secret.

Jan 042013

The successful liar is never forgiven for showing us how tawdry the stories are in which we are eager to believe.

Nov 132012

Sometimes one lies to avoid the appearance of lying.

Nov 122012

Beneath our surface of deceit and pretense lies a core of pretense and deceit.