Social media are to friendship what vaping is to smoking.
You cannot have a contemporary prison without contemporary furniture.
Every quirk a syndrome, every aversion an allergy, every fear a phobia.
Prejudice, n. The precipitate of a principle.
To discover who is preeminent in a field, ask someone who knows nothing about it.
Inevitable, adj. 1. Devoutly wished. 2. Acutely feared.
Too little feminization prevents civilization, too much destroys it, and the trick is to find the inflection point.
It is possible to win an argument, if you’re willing to forgo the awards ceremony.
It doesn’t matter what is on television; what matters is that it is on television.
Problematic, against all odds, has become a useful word, as a sign to stop reading.
Polarization, n. A state that follows from everyone being continuously informed of what everyone else is thinking, about everything.