Ruling – Page 12 – Everything


In ’37 Stalin made a hash
Of party loyalists and army brass.
Decimation: One in ten are shot.
What’s the word when one in ten are not?

Feb 052021

There is no institution, save the state itself, that guards free expression, and all such self-appointed guardians inevitably become enforcers of orthodoxy.

Jan 212021

To fend for oneself in a high civilization demands a certain cognitive minimum; when too many lack it the civilization lowers itself to meet them, and the process is hastened by letting them vote.

Jan 112021

I can tolerate punishment for thought crime, but I draw the line at rehabilitation.

Jan 062021

Sympathizers and apologists are first to be sent to the camps. Intransigent opponents are left at large for a while, as a sign of the liberality of the regime and a reminder that stricter measures will be required.

Jan 042021

When the numbers don’t come out as you would like, the first resort is to change the way you count; the second is to stop counting.

Dec 302020

The distinguished Soviet geneticist Vavilov was unpersoned for refusing to reject heredity in favor of the neo-Lamarckism championed by Lysenko and Stalin, and I feel fortunate to live in a country where nothing like that could ever happen.