Ruling – Page 2 – Everything


In ’37 Stalin made a hash
Of party loyalists and army brass.
Decimation: One in ten are shot.
What’s the word when one in ten are not?

Oct 172023

Every despotic power, especially a majority, tends to become absolute.

Oct 162023

The oppressor adds insult to injury when he imagines himself oppressed.

Oct 042023

An irreducible minimum of undesirables is always with us, and the sole policy question, in many guises, is how to herd them.

Sep 272023

The enduring lessons of the First World War are how not to fight a war and why not to fight one.

Sep 052023

Revolution is for an imagined future, and revolt, on which it depends, for an imagined past.

Aug 172023

In normal times, the party offering the most extreme version of popular ideas natters pointlessly. In revolutionary times, it wins.

Aug 162023

A networked world is a legible world, and a legible world is an unfree world. We all have social credit scores now.

Aug 102023

There can be order without law, but not law without order.