Seeming – Page 17 – Everything


Religion, art, taste, and other delusions.

Sep 012016

Photographs steal not your soul but your memories.

Aug 172016

There is bad art about which one can say a good deal, and great art about which one can say nothing.

Jun 272016

The most pleasing aesthetic effect is the happy accident.

Jun 162016

At least you can deal with the devil; God just pushes everyone around.

Jun 152016

Celebrated mediocrity augurs obscure excellence.

Apr 292016

You can talk people into art, but you can’t talk them out of it.

Apr 222016

The audience will always be out of step with the artist, for one is just arriving at what the other has long since put out of mind.

Mar 092016

The Gods of Liberty, Equality, Justice, and The People have demanded more human sacrifice than all other divinities combined.

Mar 042016

The contemporary businessman cares only for art, and the contemporary artist only for money.