The businessman wants peace, which is good for his business; and the intellectual wants war, which is good for his.
Business is more agreeable than pleasure; it interests the whole mind more continuously, and more deeply.
Three’s a crowd — in love, in war, in software development.
Those who believe that society can be reengineered rarely have much engineering experience.
Competence dwarfs all other virtues, and nearly every moral system ever devised aims first at disguising that fact.
The eternal Manichean struggle is between not good and evil, but sloth and industry.
It is an insult to be paid by the word.
A writer is a person who has turned the fact that his bark is worse than his bite into a professional qualification.
To become expert in something is the only way to learn that you know nothing about anything else.
Many academic fields are barren, most because there are no truths to discover, not a few because the practitioners are too dull to discover them.
One may judge the esteem in which informants are held by comparing whistle-blower, on the one hand, with rat, nark, squealer, tattle-tale, stool-pigeon, fink, canary, and snitch, on the other.