All criticism is destructive, differing only in tact and degree.
If it had been your exact thought you would have used my exact words.
It is a great honor for a book to be burned.
To be published in outlets of respectable opinion it is necessary to form respectable opinions.
Anyone can write platitudes, and anyone can write falsehoods, but it takes an aphorist to do both at once.
Aphorism: half banality, half untruth.
Censorship is the appropriate punishment for writing that the censor understands.
The number of sources read by the author varies inversely with the length of the bibliography.
Writing is irresponsible, and aphorism is the most irresponsible form of writing.
It is tempting to license writers, if only so the ones who write about how difficult writing is can have theirs revoked.
The purpose of writing is to assemble a zombie army.