Being – Page 28 – Everything


Identity, that spectator of what he calls himself,
That net and aggregate of energies in transient combination.

Nov 102016

For most of history it was prohibited for the mass of men to express themselves: then, briefly, it was permitted: now it is required.

Oct 252016

We wonder at the man who gives his life to the group, forgetting that the group also gives its life to him.

Oct 032016

Are you unprepared for it because it is out of the question, or is it out of the question because you are unprepared for it?

Sep 302016

You say you could never be bored or unhappy with some other person’s life, and yet how different it would be, if it were yours.

Sep 232016

You never violate your principles: you only discover that they are not what you thought they were.

Sep 052016

So many selves, so little to express.

Aug 232016

For himself a man will go only so far. To stop at nothing, discard every scruple, he must be convinced that he will make a better world.

Aug 122016

Without disgust there is nothing to tolerate or to forgive.

Jul 042016

1. Summarize yourself in three words.
2. Prefix them with “aging.”
3. Repeat until the result is not embarrassing.