Vehemence is the infallible sign of opinion.
Error is boundless.
Nor hope nor doubt,
Though both be groundless,
Will average out.
The admission that irreparably damages the argument is introduced, by convention, with “of course”.
The hedgehog, who knows one big thing, has many disciples, and the fox, who knows many things, has none.
99% sure is about 45% correct.
The erroneous belief is the minor problem, the excessive conviction the major one.
X is explained by Y, and Y is explained by Z, and do not inquire too deeply after Z.
Continuous moral progress of the species is an idea so grotesquely flattering that it cannot possibly be true.
To err is human; when our betters err, not to exult, divine.
Genuine error varies directly with spurious precision.
The one simple thing that will change your life is to stop believing that one simple thing will change your life.