The rulers, the ruled, and the theoreticians of rule alike always interest themselves more in who shall rule than how.
In ’37 Stalin made a hash
Of party loyalists and army brass.
Decimation: One in ten are shot.
What’s the word when one in ten are not?
Orthodoxy’s palace guard paints and probably sees itself as an embattled and powerless minority, defending unpopular truths without fear or favor.
There are always things you can’t say. Repression is measured by how many obviously true things you can’t say.
Fascism is often confused with a shave, haircut, and shoeshine.
“Kill ’em all and let God sort ’em out” would be a fine description of communism except that it is atheistic, and thus the dead go unsorted.
High civilizations are lost not in battle but by forfeit.
Modern democracy has nearly perfected itself; that the people can still occasionally make their wishes known remains its one flaw.
Once memory has been centralized it can be destroyed.
When you hear a proposed law or policy described as “common sense,” run for your life. Common sense doesn’t scale.
If you must be the victim of a grotesque law or policy, be first, or photogenic, and it may pay you back in fame. The rest go unnoticed.