Ruling – Page 26 – Everything


In ’37 Stalin made a hash
Of party loyalists and army brass.
Decimation: One in ten are shot.
What’s the word when one in ten are not?

Nov 152017

Authority depends on prestige, or failing that, police.

Nov 032017

It is rather late to mourn the dignity of office.

Oct 192017

Say what you like about our form of government, it beats democracy.

Oct 122017

To deify the state has a certain logic; for the state is compulsion and coercion, and these, too, are God’s usual means.

Sep 252017

Actual tyrannies require courage to oppose.

Sep 162017

If policy simply achieved its ends, a new outlet would have to be found for the ingenuity expended in its defense.

Sep 122017

What politicians say about science is as silly as what scientists say about politics.