All authors dream of a posthumous reputation, none of posthumous sales.
If it had been your exact thought you would have used my exact words.
It is more common to talk well than to listen well, and to write well than to read well.
Journalism is the first draft of history, shortly to reside with all other first drafts.
Academic press: Books that no one will read at prices that no one will pay.
Writing and computer programming are usually done worse when they are done for money.
We play with words when we run out of thoughts.
If no man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money, then world literature is almost entirely the province of blockheads.
The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward plagiarism.
Nothing is as trashy as academic discourse about trash.
A field that uncomprehendingly imitates the methods of a more prestigious field will also imitate its style: the result being writing that not even the author understands.