Nothing – Page 13 – Everything


You cannot have a contemporary prison without contemporary furniture.

Aug 062020

Civilization is mostly domestication, domestication is mostly feminization, and too much feminization is the end of civilization.

Jul 282020

If it ain’t broke, fixing it will do the trick.

Jul 202020

It doesn’t matter how many people hate you, provided it’s for different sets of mutually exclusive reasons.

Jul 172020

Some are born incapable, some achieve incapacity, and some have incapacity thrust upon them.

Jul 022020

All hobbyists, but especially political aficionados, secretly regard lack of enthusiasm for their avocation as a moral failing.

Jun 292020

It is a man’s duty, now all but abandoned, to quash a public nuisance without official assistance.

May 292020

The first rule of Fight or Flight Club is that there is no time to talk about Fight or Flight Club.