Every city, regardless of its provisions for the poor, has always featured importunate public begging.
You never find people endeavoring to convince you that you may live very happily upon a plentiful fortune.
In any reference to “X-figures”, the first figure is 1.*
*If it is “mid X-figures”, the first figure is 2. If it is “high X-figures”, the first figure is 5.
“I’m not concerned about short-term fluctuations”: I have lost some money
“I’m in this for the long haul”: I am determined to lose a lot of money
Money troubles begin in earnest when you get some.
Retail evil-doers are often after money; wholesalers are always after something else.
Where scarcity does not exist, it is invented.
The royal road to wealth is not to make money but to capture it.
Many things work on a small scale and fail on a large one; crime is exactly the opposite.
To lie, cheat, and steal may be optimally adaptive, provided one maintains a reputation for never lying, cheating, or stealing.
To want your name known is innocuous, even healthy. To want your face known is when sickness sets in.