Bad manners can put someone off once; it takes perfect manners to put him off for good.
You cannot have a contemporary prison without contemporary furniture.
A side effect of prolonged silent meditation is being unable to shut up about it afterward.
We can almost forgive the genius for being sane, but not for being happy.
Having life too easy dissipates more promise in America than having it too hard.
Hair length strongly correlates with silliness in women over 40.
Mediocrities persist in treating geniuses as different. In fact they are only better, which is far more insulting.
Americans abhor idleness. This is their greatest virtue, and their greatest vice.
The cultural norm always precedes the psychological theory that is eventually invoked to justify it.
Nothing is too serious to look trivial on television.
The most attractive characteristic of the city dweller is his incuriosity about the neighbors.