The best designs have no designer.
Feb 032016
You cannot have a contemporary prison without contemporary furniture.
The best designs have no designer.
Perhaps this is the best you can do.
The right way to take a remark that you are told not to take the wrong way is as the gross insult it always is.
I often hear rumors of people with low self-esteem, and someday I hope to meet one.
Excellent manners always have a touch of menace.
Latin Americans may have a larger vocabulary for military coups than Inuits do for snow.
Autism excuses any conceivable faux pas that cannot be excused by alcohol.
When did “personality” become a job description?
Cigarettes lengthen life, after correcting for how smoking marks time.
No-brainer, n. An idea that is extremely persuasive as long as you don’t think about it.