Writing – Page 4 – Everything


If it had been your exact thought you would have used my exact words.

Jan 182022

A reader more intelligent than the writer will read more than the writer intended, a reader less intelligent will read less, and a reader equally intelligent will read something entirely different.

Jan 102022

An aphorism should look wrong to half its readers and obvious to the other half.

Dec 292021

To write, to attempt to bring a stranger to one’s view by words alone, shows the deepest faith in human nature: the confirmed skeptic becomes a devout missionary when he puts it on the page.

Dec 282021

Biography is open to any writer who possesses industry without talent. If he also lacks industry, there is memoir.

Nov 102021

Never use five words where none will do.

Nov 052021

We are apt to imagine software as scaling indefinitely, which it does not, because we think of it as a form of writing, which does.

Nov 022021

The power of a word lies in what it suggests, not what it means.

Oct 142021

The shortest way to be original is to tell the truth.