Being – Page 8 – Everything


Identity, that spectator of what he calls himself,
That net and aggregate of energies in transient combination.

May 052022

Some feel a small secret joy when breaking a rule, others when following one.

Apr 262022

That we live in a simulation no one doubts. The only point at issue is whose.

Apr 222022

Agency — use it or lose it.

Apr 152022

An urge becomes irresistible by not being resisted.

Apr 112022

The characteristic maladies of our age are adult infantilism and childhood senescence.

Mar 182022

The desire for uniformity, the unappeasable hostility to whatever is better than or merely different from oneself, has marched under many names: diversity is only the most recent.

Mar 112022

We defeat ourselves not with scarcity but surfeit: too much food, too much data, too much leisure, and far, far too much art.