Getting – Page 7 – Everything


You never find people endeavoring to convince you that you may live very happily upon a plentiful fortune.

Nov 152019

The capitalists will sell the communists the rope with which they will jointly hang the remaining holdouts against our glorious corpo-progressive future.

Nov 082019

All motives are base; some actions are noble.

Oct 072019

What you get is, to a first approximation, what you want.

Sep 182019

If no man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money, then world literature is almost entirely the province of blockheads.

Aug 132019

It is crime, of all fields, that most attracts the woefully underqualified.

Jul 242019

To learn the status of an identity, count how many people fake it.

Mar 272019

It is expensive to be poor, and wildly expensive to be stupid.

Mar 112019

Rich societies produce leisure sufficient for folly, and democratic societies make this everybody’s problem.