To improve discourse on social media, I am authoritatively informed, the enlightened must be kinder, more patient, and less patronizing with the unwashed.
You cannot have a contemporary prison without contemporary furniture.
One is the trustiest sample size.
An event scheduled long in advance grows ominous as it nears: one resents one’s past self for impudently binding the present.
Americans understand nothing about the rest of the world, which returns the favor.
After every vice has been declared a syndrome, a disorder to be diagnosed and treated, the virtues will shortly follow.
A civilization that can defend science only by pointing to its fruits, technology, will soon destroy its science, and eventually its technology too.
One should never speak ill of the dead, who in the worst case have done a great service, by dying.
Some anonymous wit once said he didn’t care what you did as long as you didn’t do it in the street and frighten the horses. The West is embarking on its second century of frightening the horses.
Beware the too-helpful, who have nothing better to do.
All traits influenced by genetics differ across populations, and all traits are influenced by genetics.