Everything – Page 23 – A book of aphorisms
Mar 142023

We preach for our politics, and for our religion, but preachers for art are known as “critics” and justly regarded as an alien species.

Mar 132023

Superlatives have driven out comparatives, as bad money drives out good.

Mar 102023

In the end, lies may be no match for truth, but no one knows, and the end is far, far away.

Mar 082023

Heidegger was not a bad philosopher because he became a Nazi. But he may have become a Nazi because he was a bad philosopher.

Mar 072023

The East, the West, the classical and Christian, the medieval and modern, the peasantry, the proletariat, the bourgeoisie, the 18th, 19th, 20th century — what intellectual malfeasance shelters under the definite article!

Mar 012023

Unambiguous instances of humans overriding their biology are scarce, and suicide, the most drastic, commands respect, if only on that score.