Everything – Page 40 – A book of aphorisms
Jul 182022

Science is like the best athlete in gym class — nobody really likes him, but everybody wants him on his team.

Jul 152022

People are divided less by what they believe than by how intensely they believe it.

Jul 142022

We are subject, when we change our mind, to exactly the same errors as when we make it up in the first place.

Jul 122022

Just about every motive for human action sounds better than making money, and turns out worse.

Jul 112022

A salesman, unlike a psychology professor, must understand psychology.

Jul 062022

Public acknowledgement of error is almost entirely for show. It has no point unless you reexamine the habits of thought that produced the error, which is best done in private.

Jul 052022

We are apt to forget, though history at intervals reminds us, how far hypocrisy is to be preferred to sincere, unaffected villainy.