Everything – Page 20 – A book of aphorisms
Apr 212023

The great task of industrial civilization was to create leisure, and the great task of post-industrial civilization is to occupy it.

Apr 192023

Proper service demands the extinction of personality, the entire subjugation of oneself to another’s needs and desires. In America, where this runs counter to the national religion, it cannot be had at any price.

Apr 182023

The man who mocks what we hold dear we call a cynic, though he may hold dear what we mock.

Apr 142023

Art, like science, may be regarded by the practitioner as a collective body of work to which he hopes to make a small contribution.

Apr 132023

The purpose of “inclusive” language is to exclude whoever refuses or cannot be bothered to use it.

Apr 122023

We let ideas rattle around in our heads, and call it thinking.