It is as misdirected to love or admire science, in the large, as poetry. One must ask after not poetry but poems, and not science but experiments.
One way to mark an important event is if the people who constantly opine in public suddenly have nothing to say.
I’m no misanthrope. Some of my best friends are people.
Problems are generally minor; the disasters are the solutions.
No aphorism wants to be born a cliché; every aphorism wants to die one.
Eccentric diets and exercise — vegan, paleo, ultra-marathon, yoga — advertise themselves as cures for the body; in fact they are cures for the soul, often at the body’s expense.
The wish that things were otherwise, if ardent enough, becomes, by degrees, the belief that they are.
Students need to see thinking in action. Instead they are shown thinking accomplished, and the two look nothing alike.
The cure for writer’s block is speaker’s block.
The complacent success begins as a resentful failure.