Everything – Page 240 – A book of aphorisms
Oct 312014

The joy of money lies less in what one does than in what one might do.

Oct 302014

Where some has failed, more rarely succeeds.

Oct 292014

Some who earn thousands of times your income don’t deserve it, which is bad; and some do, which is worse.

Oct 282014

The worse the government, the longer the speeches.

Oct 272014

If suffering ennobles, does joy degrade?

Oct 242014

People are confused; it does not follow that the universe is paradoxical.

Oct 232014

If you aren’t supposed to use people, what do you do with them?

Oct 222014

What surrounds sex is serious: sex itself is ridiculous.

Oct 212014

Abroad we make our soldiers pretend to be policemen, and at home we let our policemen pretend to be soldiers.

Oct 202014

Marriages survive not on love but admiration.