Everything – Page 249 – A book of aphorisms
Jun 272014

Intellectuals are hostile to businessmen chiefly because the public prefers what the businessmen are selling.

Jun 252014

A well-conducted police state pardons a few prisoners now and then; this persuades the populace that the rest are guilty.

Jun 242014

The more you know how things work, the less you expect them to.

Jun 232014

So many who refuse to sell out, so few with anything worth buying.

Jun 202014

When we say it’s not the money, it’s always the money; and when we say it’s the money, it’s always something else.

Jun 182014

What you lose with age is not so much capacities as the illusion that you ever had them.

Jun 162014

Every effort to know your own mind changes it, sometimes beyond recognition.