Everything – Page 277 – A book of aphorisms
Jun 052013

The likable never know whether they are liked for themselves or for their likability.

Jun 042013

The worst hangover is the morning after you finish a bad book.

Jun 032013

Efficient search is serendipity’s implacable enemy.

May 312013

What passes for sanity is only people’s fortunate refusal to take their own ideas seriously.

May 302013

A man will sooner confess a great crime than a small error.

May 292013

There is little difference between collecting books and collecting porcelain elephants.

May 282013

Behavioral is to classical economics as relativistic is to classical mechanics.

May 272013

Talk comes in two sizes — big and small.

May 242013

The more logical feminists, beginning by giving up sex roles, end by giving up sex.

May 232013

The deontologist blindfolds himself, lest his eyes deceive him.