Everything – Page 220 – A book of aphorisms
Aug 072015

I regret less the great works that have been irretrievably lost than the mediocre ones that have been irrevocably preserved.

Aug 062015

It’s tough to be pro; anti-anti is usually all I can manage.

Aug 052015

If you have had a disaster today, remember that there will be other days, and other disasters.

Aug 042015

We live in an age of resonant declarations about what sort of age we live in.

Aug 032015

We rarely absorb ideas; they settle on us, like dust or ash.

Jul 312015

I wish to thank the many people who have undertaken, without pay and at considerable personal risk, to explain me to myself.

Jul 292015

Some are stingier with praise out of high principle than any are, out of avarice, with money.

Jul 282015

There is no point in arguing over premises, which are assumed, or conclusions, which are contained in the premises.

Jul 272015

Last to the meeting is most powerful, and apotheosis consists in not showing up at all.