I regret all of my exclamation points, most of my semicolons, half of my em-dashes, some of my question marks, and none of my periods.
Apr 082015
I regret all of my exclamation points, most of my semicolons, half of my em-dashes, some of my question marks, and none of my periods.
The man who undertakes to rid himself of his illusions and biases can end up like an old painting, improperly cleaned.
Travel appears a great luxury to those accustomed to the greater one of staying put.
The hypochondriac makes his own death a bad joke.
We are taught to be good, lest we dare to be great.
You used to have to pay people to wear sandwich boards.
The one simple thing that will change your life is to stop believing that one simple thing will change your life.
Reality defeats taxonomy.
Reading, unless it’s for writing, is high-class idling.
A golden age is the creation of a few, but we can all contribute to a degenerate one.