Everything – Page 233 – A book of aphorisms
Feb 062015

The modern world does not create our ills; it only drags them into the light.

Feb 052015

A chief source of the world’s ills is that it is run largely by people who did well in school.

Feb 042015

If you want to kill your marriage, talk about it.

Feb 022015

Nice isn’t funny, funny isn’t nice, and nice isn’t even especially nice most of the time.

Jan 302015

It can be more useful to generalize a question than to answer it.

Jan 292015

The fanatic merely acts on his creed. His opposite is the hypocrite, and there is no third alternative.

Jan 282015

I might have had a proper education if I had not been forced to spend so much time in school.

Jan 262015

Never ascribe to malice what can be explained by stupidity, or to stupidity what can be explained by drug abuse.