Everything – Page 244 – A book of aphorisms
Sep 052014

It is a grave misfortune to be stupid, yet we all laugh at the stupidity of others without a twinge of guilt.

Sep 042014

You can ignore the opinions of others if you know your own worth, and a persistent delusion works equally well.

Sep 022014

No one will listen to you talk about the uselessness of a prestigious education unless you have one.

Sep 012014

Every genocide is an accidental eugenics program.

Aug 292014

Courage! You have less to lose than you think.

Aug 282014

The archetype of the modern intellectual is not the dry specialist, as the nineteenth century foresaw, but the interdisciplinary huckster.

Aug 272014

When you have eliminated all other possible explanations, the one that remains, however unlikely, must be that you missed something.

Aug 262014

A man can adapt to nearly anything, but only two or three times.

Aug 252014

The heretic is not punished for error: he is punished for heresy.